
The following armor and shield properties add to those presented in the PRD Core Rulebook.

Magic Armor and Shield Ability Descriptions

Table: Armor Special Abilities
Minor Medium Major Special Ability Base Price Modifier
01–40 01–35 01–19 Champion +1 bonus1
41–80 36–66 20–37 Dastard +1 bonus1
81–99 67–70 38–39 Jousting +3,750 gp
71–83 40–61 Righteous +27,000 gp
84–96 62–80 Unrighteous +27,000 gp
97–99 81–90 Determination +30,000 gp
100 100 91–100 Roll again twice2

A shield or suit of armor with a special ability must have at least a +1 enhancement bonus.

Champion: This armor property only works for good creatures with the challenge ability (such as cavaliers) or the smite evil ability (such as paladins, half-celestials, and creatures with the celestial creature template). When worn by such a creature that uses a challenge or smite ability, the wearer gains a +2 sacred bonus to AC against attacks from the chosen opponent.

Faint abjuration; CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, protection from evil or protection from good; Price +1 bonus.

Dastard: This armor property only works for evil creatures with the challenge ability (such as cavaliers) or the smite good ability (such as antipaladins, half-fiends, and creatures with the fiendish creature template). When worn by such a creature that uses a challenge or smite ability, the wearer gains a +2 profane bonus to AC against attacks from the chosen opponent.

Faint abjuration; CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, protection from evil or protection from good; Price +1 bonus.

Determination: A shield or armor with this property provides the ability to fight on against seemingly impossible odds. Once per day, when the owner reaches 0 or fewer hit points, the item automatically provides a breath of life spell.

Moderate conjuration; CL 10th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, breath of life; Price +30,000 gp.

Jousting: This suit of armor helps its wearer remain mounted and in control of his mount. The wearer gains a +5 competence bonus on Ride skill checks.

Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, creator must have 5 ranks in the Ride skill; Price +3,750 gp.

Righteous: Armor with this property is often engraved or enameled with religious symbols. On command once per day, the wearer can invoke an effect, as per the spell righteous might, lasting for 10 rounds. Righteous armor is always aligned toward good (positive energy), for the effects of righteous might. Righteous armor bestows one permanent negative level on any evil creature attempting to wear it. The negative level remains as long as the armor is worn and disappears when it is removed. This negative level cannot be overcome in any way (including by restoration spells) while the armor is worn.

Moderate transmutation; CL 10th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, righteous might; Cost +27,000 gp.

Unrighteous: This armor is often sculpted with unholy symbols. On command once per day, the wearer can invoke an effect, as per the spell righteous might, lasting for 10 rounds. Unrighteous armor is always aligned toward evil (negative energy), for the effects of righteous might. Unrighteous armor bestows one permanent negative level on any good creature attempting to wear it. The negative level remains as long as the armor is worn and disappears when it is removed. This negative level cannot be overcome in any way (including by restoration spells) while the armor is worn.

Moderate transmutation; CL 10th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, righteous might; Cost +27,000 gp.

Specific Armors

Table: Specific Armors
Medium Major Specific Armor Market Price
01–20 01–02 Mistmail 2,250 gp
21–35 03–05 Soothsayer’s raiment 10,300 gp
36–50 06 Boneless leather 12,160 gp
51–65 07 Murderer’s blackcloth 12,405 gp
66–90 08–12 Folding plate 12,650 gp
91–100 13–27 Armor of insults 16,175 gp
28–42 Buccaneer’s breastplate 23,850 gp
43–49 Forsaken banded mail 25,400 gp
50–61 Giant-hide armor (ogre) 39,165 gp
62–71 Giant-hide armor (hill giant) 46,665 gp
72–81 Giant-hide armor (stone giant) 54,165 gp
82–86 Giant-hide armor (fire giant) 54,165 gp
87–91 Giant-hide armor (frost giant) 54,165 gp
92–96 Giant-hide armor (troll) 59,165 gp
97 Giant-hide armor (cloud giant) 69,165 gp
98 Giant-hide armor (storm giant) 76,665 gp
99–100 Daystar half-plate 81,250 gp

Armor Of Insults

Aura moderate enchantment; CL 7th

Slot armor; Price 16,175 gp; Weight 20 lbs.


Each metal bit of this suit of +1 studded leather looks more like a tiny sneering face than a simple stud. Once per day the wearer of the armor may command the mouths to unleash a torrent of verbal abuse directed against every hostile creature within 60 feet who can see and hear the wearer. Each such creature must make a DC 16 Will saving throw to avoid suffering an overwhelming compulsion to attack the wearer for the next 7 rounds. If the creature is unable to attack the wearer on its next turn, or attacking the wearer would put the creature at risk (moving through a threatened square, charging into a pit, and so on) it can act normally that turn. This is a mind-affecting sonic effect, and has no effect on creatures that do not use a spoken language.


Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, confusion; Cost 7,675 gp

Boneless Leather

Aura faint transmutation; CL 3rd

Slot armor; Price 12,160 gp; Weight 15 lbs.


This suit of +1 leather gives its wearer the ability to twist and contort his body in virtually any direction. He gains a +5 bonus on Escape Artist checks, a +5 bonus on Acrobatics checks to reduce damage from falls, a +5 bonus to CMD, and DR 5/piercing or slashing.


Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, alter self, creator must have 5 ranks in the Acrobatics and Escape Artist skills; Cost 6,160 gp

Buccaneer’s Breastplate

Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th

Slot armor; Price 23,850 gp; Weight 30 lbs.


This +1 breastplate is made of bluish metal and decorated with wave motifs. It allows the wearer to continually utilize the effects of the spell water walk. If a creature puts on the armor while underwater, the wearer is borne toward the surface at a rate of 60 feet per round.


Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, water walk; Cost 12,100 gp

Daystar Half-Plate

Aura strong evocation; CL 15th

Slot armor; Price 81,250 gp; Weight 50 lbs.


The silvery sheen of this +1 half-plate causes it to sparkle in even the faintest light. At will, the wearer can command it to shine with a daylight spell for 10 minutes. Once per day, the wearer can command it to shine as per the sunburst spell.

Folding Plate

Aura moderate conjuration (summoning); CL 10th

Slot neck (brooch) or armor (unfolded); Price 12,650 gp; Weight — (brooch), 50 lbs. (armor)


This item normally looks like a heavy steel brooch or cloak clasp, often depicting a heavy helm or sturdy shield. On command, the brooch transforms in a clatter of metallic plates and panels to instantly cover the wearer in a complete suit of +1 full plate, with the design of the brooch displayed on the armor’s breastplate. The same command word causes the armor to transform into the brooch. The brooch only transforms if the wearer’s armor slot is unoccupied, thus it won’t work if the wearer is already armored.

Forsaken Banded Mail

Aura moderate evocation; CL 11th

Slot armor; Price 25,400 gp; Weight 35 lbs.


Every inch of this suit of +1 banded mail bears a defaced holy symbol or a design equally offensive to one or more gods and their servants. The wearer of the armor cannot cast divine spells or use any spell-like supernatural ability gained from a connection to a deity. The wearer gains SR 19 against any divine-origin spell, spell-like ability, or supernatural ability (such as a domain granted power or ability from an outsider serving a deity), and treats the armor’s enhancement bonus as +2 higher against creatures with these abilities.


Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, creator cannot be a divine spellcaster; Cost 12,900 gp

Giant-Hide Armor

Aura strong transmutation; CL 15th

Slot armor; Price 39,165 gp (ogre), 46,665 gp (hill giant), 59,165 gp (troll), 54,165 gp (stone, fire, or frost giant), 69,165 gp (cloud giant), 76,665 gp (storm giant); Weight 25 lbs.


This drooping, many-folded suit of +3 hide armor is made from the tanned skin of an actual giant. Once per day on command, the wearer can grow to match the size of the appropriate giant, as if using giant form I (ogre, troll, hill giant, stone giant, fire giant, or frost giant) or giant form II (cloud giant or storm giant). This transformation lasts up to 15 minutes, and ends when the wearer commands. Most good folk consider wearing the skins of intelligent creatures to be abhorrent. Giants gain a +2 morale bonus on attack and damage rolls against the wearer, or +4 if the wearer’s armor is made from the same kind of giant as the attacker.


Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, giant form I (ogre, troll, hill giant, stone giant, fire giant, or frost giant) or giant form II (cloud giant or storm giant); Cost 19,660 gp (ogre), 23,415 gp (hill giant), 29,665 gp (troll), 27,165 gp (stone, fire, or frost giant), 34,665 gp (cloud giant), 38,415 gp (storm giant)


Aura faint conjuration; CL 3rd

Slot armor; Price 2,250 gp; Weight 25 lbs.


The fine links of this +1 chain shirt form a pattern of roiling clouds. On command once per day, the wearer can transform it into thick fog that fills his space and provides concealment (20% miss chance). This mist moves with the character. Effects that disperse the mist or destroy it cause the armor to reform into its solid shape on the character’s body, as does speaking the command word or entering a place where the fog-magic doesn’t function (such as underwater). If the character tries to don another suit of armor while the mistmailis in fog form, it reforms at the character’s feet.

Murderer’s Blackcloth

Aura moderate necromancy; CL 9th

Slot armor; Price 12,405 gp; Weight 10 lbs.


This silk +1 shadow padded armor is as dark as night and stitched with thread the color of dried blood. When worn by a rogue with the bleed talent, it increases the bleed damage of the rogue’s sneak attacks by +1.

Soothsayer’s Raiment

Aura faint divination; CL 5th

Slot armor; Price 10,300 gp; Weight 40 lbs.


This +1 chainmail is attuned to a particular oracular mystery and contains a revelation associated with that mystery (see the oracle class description). While wearing the armor, an oracle has access to that revelation and may use it as if she had it as a normal class feature. The oracle must have the appropriate mystery to use the armor; for example, a soothsayer’s raiment (battlecry) is only usable by an oracle of battle. If the wearer already has that revelation and the revelation gives an ability with a limited number of uses per day, the oracle can use that ability one additional time per day. This ability has no effect if worn by a non-oracle.

For divination spells with a percentage-based chance of success (such as augury and divination), the wearer’s chance increases by +5.


Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, augury, creator must be an oracle with the desired revelation; Cost 5,300 gp

Specific Shields

Table: Specific Shields
Major Specific Shield Market Price
01–50 Battlement shield 16,180 gp
51–100 Fortress shield 19,180 gp

Battlement Shield

Aura moderate conjuration; CL 9th

Slot shield; Price 16,180 gp; Weight 45 lbs.


Once per day on command, this +2 tower shield can transform into a solid, 10-foot by 10-foot by 1-foot wall of masonry with a battlement on top and an arrow slit in each 5-foot length. The wall acts as cover just like any physical wall. The wielder can touch the wall with one hand and command it to revert to a tower shield either resting on the ground and balanced against his hand or strapped to his arm in the normal fashion. The wall has all the characteristics of any other foot-thick wall of masonry (hardness 8, 90 hit points, break DC of 35). Attacks sufficient to destroy the wall cause it to immediately transform back into a shield, which loses half its hit points and gains the broken condition. The shield remains in wall form until destroyed or commanded to return to shield form. The wall cannot appear in a space too small to accommodate it.

Fortress Shield

Aura moderate conjuration; CL 11th

Slot shield; Price 19,180 gp; Weight 45 lbs.


The wearer of this +1 tower shield may, as a full-round action, transform the shield into a 1-inch thick cube of iron that springs into being around him, completely enclosing his space. The cube has hardness 10 and 30 hit points per side. This cube grants the wearer total cover against everything outside the cube, including (as it is perfectly sealed) swarms and gas attacks. The inside of the cube is dark, and air cannot get in or out so the wearer must hold his breath starting on the third round after activating the cube. Attacks sufficient to destroy one side of the cube cause it to immediately transform back into a shield, which loses half its hit points and gains the broken condition. Otherwise, the cube reverts to shield form upon command, if the wearer moves from his current space, or the wearer falls unconscious or dies.