Transmute Potion to Poison

School transmutation; Level alchemist 2

Casting Time 1 standard action

Components S

Range personal

Target you

Duration 1 round then 1 minute/level; see text

This extract causes you to take on a pale, sickly pallor for 1 round. During this time, if you consume a potion, it has no effect. Instead, your mouth fills with a vile poison that you can spit onto a weapon as a free action. If you do not spit out the poison in 1 round, it affects you instead. The effect of the poison depends on the level of spell contained in the potion consumed (see below). If the poison is not used within 1 minute per caster level it becomes inert. You can only create one dose of poison in this way per casting of this spell.

Transmuted Poisons

The following poisons are created through the transmute potion to poison spell. The power of the poison depends on the level of the spell contained in the transmuted potion.

0-Level Potion Poison

Type poison, injury; Save Fortitude DC 10

Frequency 1/round for 2 rounds Effect 1 Dex damage; Cure 1 save

1st-Level Potion Poison

Type poison, injury; Save Fortitude DC 11

Frequency 1/round for 4 rounds Effect 1d2 Dex damage; Cure 1 save

2nd-Level Potion Poison

Type poison, injury; Save Fortitude DC 13

Frequency 1/round for 6 rounds Effect 1d4 Str damage; Cure 1 save

3rd-Level Potion Poison

Type poison, injury; Save Fortitude DC 14

Frequency 1/round for 6 rounds Effect 1d4 Con damage; Cure 2 consecutive saves