Symbol of Sleep

School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting]; Level cleric 5, sorcerer/wizard 5

Components V, S, M (mercury and phosphorus, plus powdered diamond and opal worth a total of 1,000 gp)

Saving ThrowWill negates

This spell functions like symbol of death, except that all creatures of 10 HD or less within 60 feet of the symbol of sleepinstead fall into a catatonic slumber for 3d6 × 10 minutes. Unlike with the sleep spell, sleeping creatures cannot be awakened by nonmagical means before this time expires.

Unlike symbol of death, symbol of sleephas no hit point limit; once triggered, a symbol of sleepsimply remains active for 10 minutes per caster level.

Note: Magic traps such as symbol of sleepare hard to detect and disable. While any character can use Perception to find a symbol, only a character with the trapfinding class feature can use Disable Device to disarm it. The DC in each case is 25 + spell level, or 30 for symbol of sleep.