
School conjuration (creation); Level psychic 8, sorcerer/wizard 9

Casting Time 1 standard action

Components V

Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

Effect one duplicate

Duration 1 round/level (D)

Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no

The spell creates an identical copy of you, along with everything you wear and carry, anywhere you choose within range; you exist in two places at once until the spell ends. You and the duplicate use the same statistics and share the same resources. If the duplicate takes damage, for example, you deduct the damage from your hit point total. Similarly, if your duplicate expends a charge or daily use from a magic item you both wield, the charge or daily use is expended from the item you carry. If you or the duplicate drops or gives away something you’re carrying, the item disappears from the other body as well. This spell doesn’t duplicate artifacts; any you possess remain on you.

You perceive sensory information from your body and that of your duplicate simultaneously. The spell enables you to process the sensations so you don’t find them disorienting.

When you take any action, you choose which of your bodies performs the action, but both bodies share the same pool of actions. For instance, if you take a standard action to cast a spell, you can use either body as the point of origin, but the other body can’t also take a standard action that round. Likewise, if your duplicate takes a full-round action, you couldn’t take a standard or move action. Both bodies can take any number of free actions as usual; for example, both bodies could say different things or each drop a different item. If either body doesn’t move during the round, that body can either take a 5-foot step or move your speed once as a free action.

The two bodies are affected by attacks, spells, and effects as though they were one person, taking the worse effect when applicable (for example, if the bodies would be subject to differing effects due to being at different ranges). If both bodies are in the area of the same fireball, you would attempt the saving throw only once and take the damage only once. If one body is targeted by hold person, both would become paralyzed on a failed save. Both bodies count as a single creature for effects that target a specific number of creatures, and they can’t be chosen more than once for such effects. You do count your other body as another creature for most combat effects, such as flanking or determining cover. However, you don’t count as two unique creatures for the purposes of teamwork feats or effects you use that can target only creatures other than yourself.

Any magical effect with a duration affecting you has its duration halved while you’re bilocating. For example, the hold person spell mentioned above would lose 2 rounds’ worth of duration per round until your duplicate disappeared. If you were under an eagle’s splendor effect that had 1 minute remaining when you cast bilocation, the effect would end after 5 rounds instead of 10. An effect shortened in this way lasts a minimum of 1 round total, and if an effect that lasts an odd number of rounds has 1 round remaining, it has its full effect on both of your bodies for that round.

When the spell ends, you decide whether you or your duplicate disappears. If you disappear, you become your duplicate. If you are carrying artifacts when you do this, they transfer with your consciousness.