Cognitive Block

School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting]; Level medium 2, mesmerist 2, psychic 3

Casting Time 1 standard action

Components V

Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

Target one creature

Duration 1 round/level (D)

Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes

You create a mental block in the target’s mind, impeding the flow of his mental spellcasting process and forcing him to incorporate a thought component into any spell or spell-like ability he uses. This is in addition to any other components the spell already requires, and doesn’t replace the verbal component. Spell-like abilities require this thought component, even though they normally don’t need spell components.

As usual with thought components, this addition increases the DC of any concentration checks the target attempts by 10 unless the target takes a move action to center his mind and satisfy the spell’s thought component.