Mindscape Door

School illusion (phantasm) [mind-affecting]; Level medium 3, mesmerist 3, psychic 3, sorcerer/wizard 4

Casting Time 1 standard action

Components V, S

Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

Effect one illusory portal

Duration 10 minutes/level

Saving Throw Will negates (see text); Spell Resistance no

You or other creatures enter into or escape from a mindscape through an imaginary doorway. This doorway takes on any form of your choosing, but can be no larger than a 5-foot cube. This spell has different effects depending on whether you are inside a mindscape when you cast it.

When you cast this spell outside a mindscape, the doorway connects to one mindscape inhabited by a creature of your choice within close range (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 levels) of the door. That creature becomes the door’s conduit, but can attempt a Will save to deny access to the mindscape. You must be aware of the mindscape to connect a mindscape door to it. If you connect to the mindscape, you designate any number of creatures to be able to see and pass through the door as though it were a normal doorway. You can name specific creatures or categories of creatures, or allow all creatures access. Creatures other than those you designate can’t perceive or use the door, nor can mindless creatures or those immune to mind-affecting effects. Once anyone enters the mindscape through the door, a duplicate of the door appears inside the mindscape next to the creature you used as a conduit. Anyone inside a mindscape is able to perceive and use a mindscape door within that mindscape. Anyone who enters is subject to all rules of the mindscape, but is aware she is in a mindscape if you informed her where the portal leads.

When you cast this spell inside a mindscape, a duplicate of the door appears next to your body in the real world. The creator of the mindscape can attempt a Will saving throw to prevent you from creating the door if she is within the mindscape. The two doors operate as if you’d cast the spell outside a mindscape. You still designate who can use the door from the real world to get into the mindscape, but you can’t prevent creatures within the mindscape from exiting to the real world.

Typically, a mindscape door operates in both directions, but you can create it as a one-way door if you so choose. Unlike with other spells, you can cast this spell as a full-round action while engaged in a psychic duel. This spell can be used to exit a binary mindscape, but not to enter one. If you successfully cast mindscape door within a veiled mindscape, you learn that you are in a mindscape, but other creatures observing the door don’t automatically realize they are.