Phantom DriverΒΆ

School conjuration (creation); Level bard 3, sorcerer/wizard 3

Casting Time 10 minutes

Components V, S

Range 10 ft.

Effect one quasi-real, humanlike creature

Duration 1 hour/level (D)

Saving Throw none; Spell Resistanceno

You conjure a Small or Medium, quasi-real, humanlike creature (the exact physical features can be customized as you wish). This creation can drive any vehicle you command it to. This phantom creature does not fight, and while animals that power a muscle-propelled vehicle driven by the creature do respond to its commands, animals otherwise shun the creature and refuse to attack it.

The rider has an AC of 20 (+1 size, +4 natural armor, +5 Dex) if it is a Small creature or an AC of 19 (+4 natural armor, +5 Dexterity) if it is a Medium creature. It has 7 hit points + 1 hit point per caster level. If it loses all its hit points, the phantom driver disappears. A phantom driver has a land speed of 30 feet, and makes all driver skill checks (no matter what skills are needed to drive the vehicle) as your caster level + your Intelligence modifier.