Image loaders

sdl2.ext.get_image_formats() -> (str, str, ...)

Gets the formats supported by PySDL2 in the default installation.

sdl2.ext.load_image(fname : str[, enforce=None]) → sdl2.SDL_Surface

Creates a sdl2.SDL_Surface from an image file.

This function makes use of the Python Imaging Library, if it is available on the target execution environment. The function will try to load the file via sdl2 first. If the file could not be loaded, it will try to load it via sdl2.sdlimage and PIL.

You can force the function to use only one of them, by passing the enforce as either "PIL" or "SDL".


This will call sdl2.sdlimage.IMG_Init() implicitly with the default arguments, if the module is available and if sdl2.SDL_LoadBMP() failed to load the image.