
Table: Staves
Medium Major Staff Market Price
01–02 01 Toxins 12,600 gp
03–05 02 Journeys 13,600 gp
06–10 03–04 Rigor 13,600 gp
11–18 05–08 Shrieking 14,400 gp
19–25 09–11 Souls 16,400 gp
26–35 12–16 Stealth 18,400 gp
36–42 17–20 Revelations 20,400 gp
43–54 21–26 Bolstering 20,800 gp
55–59 27–28 Traps 21,200 gp
60–69 29–35 Cackling wrath 23,600 gp
70–76 36–44 Obstacles 25,800 gp
77–82 45–54 Performance 26,800 gp
83–86 55–60 Hoarding 30,016 gp
87–92 61–72 Slumber 34,050 gp
93–95 73–83 Vision 41,250 gp
96–98 84–91 Weather 44,200 gp
99–100 92–100 Many rays 52,800 gp

The staves in this chapter follow the normal rules for magical staves as described in the PRD Core Rulebook.

Staff of Bolstering

Aura moderate transmutation; CL 8th

Slot none; Price 20,800 gp; Weight 5 lbs.


The top of this rosewood shaft narrows and then expands again, bound by a number of metal rings. It allows use of the following spells:


Requirements Craft Staff, bear’s endurance, bull’s strength, cat’s grace, greater magic weapon; Cost 10,400 gp

Staff of Cackling Wrath

Aura moderate varied; CL 8th

Slot none; Price 23,600 gp; Weight 5 lbs.


The thorns embedded in this gnarled length of wood make it rather tricky for the unwary to grasp. It allows use of the following spells:


Requirements Craft Staff, baleful polymorph, bestow curse, blindness/deafness, charm person, hold person, inflict moderate wounds, vampiric touch; Cost 11,800 gp

Staff of Hoarding

Aura moderate varied; CL 11th

Slot none; Price 30,016 gp; Weight 5 lbs.


This gorgeous teak shaft has many gold and silver coins hammered into it. It allows use of the following spells:


Requirements Craft Staff, identify, legend lore, locate object, magic aura, secret chest; Cost 15,008 gp

Staff of Journeys

Aura moderate varied; CL 8th

Slot none; Price 13,600 gp; Weight 5 lbs.


This walking stick, which still has dark gray bark along its entire length, branches into a decorative fork at its top. It allows use of the following spells:


Requirements Craft Staff, detect snares and pits, endure elements, freedom of movement, longstrider, pass without trace; Cost 6,800 gp

Staff of Many Rays

Aura moderate evocation and necromancy; CL 11th

Slot none; Price 52,800 gp; Weight 5 lbs.


The elaborate swirls and delicate flecks of shining metal adorning the head of this white wooden shaft makes it seem almost as much a long mace as a staff. It allows use of the following spells:


Requirements Craft Staff, disintegrate, enervation, ray of enfeeblement, ray of exhaustion, scorching ray; Cost 26,400 gp

Staff of Obstacles

Aura moderate varied; CL 9th

Slot none; Price 25,800 gp; Weight 5 lbs.


Dark and solid, this worn staff looks to be carved of rough stone, yet feels and weighs like light wood. It allows use of the following spells:


Requirements Craft Staff, arcane lock, grease, wall of fire, wall of ice, wall of stone, wind wall; Cost 12,900 gp

Staff of Performance

Aura moderate varied; CL 8th

Slot none; Price 26,800 gp; Weight 5 lbs.


Soon after falling into the hands of a new owner, this piece of finely varnished cedar develops ornamental brass keys, strings, or other decorations that make it look like a stylized version of its owner’s favorite type of musical instrument. It allows use of the following spells:


Requirements Craft Staff, calm emotions, enthrall, glibness, hypnotic pattern, major image, pyrotechnics, sculpt sound; Cost 13,400 gp

Staff of Revelations

Aura moderate divination; CL 9th

Slot none; Price 20,400 gp; Weight 5 lbs.


The forked top of this walnut shaft resembles a combination of a dowsing rod and the curled horns of a beast, a delicate gemstone hovering between its enfolding arms. The staff allows use of the following spells:


Requirements Craft Staff, augury, commune, divination, speak with dead; Cost 10,200 gp

Staff of Rigor

Aura moderate varied; CL 8th

Slot none; Price 13,600 gp; Weight 5 lbs.


This iron-shod black wood staff allows use of the following spells:


Requirements Craft Staff, align weapon, bane, cause fear, command, magic weapon; Cost 6,800 gp

Staff of Slumber

Aura moderate varied; CL 9th

Slot none; Price 34,050 gp; Weight 5 lbs.


Smoky spirals adorn the length of this staff, having an almost hypnotic effect. The staff allows use of the following spells:


Requirements Craft Staff, deep slumber, dream, nightmare, symbol of sleep, ray of exhaustion, waves of fatigue; Cost 17,025 gp

Staff of Shrieking

Aura moderate evocation; CL 8th

Slot none; Price 14,400 gp; Weight 5 lbs.


Holes in this metal shaft cause it to emit an eerie moan when swung through the air. It allows use of the following spells:


Requirements Craft Staff, shatter, shout, sound burst; Cost 7,200 gp

Staff of Souls

Aura moderate varied; CL 8th

Slot none; Price 16,400 gp; Weight 5 lbs.


This ominous staff allows use of the following spells:


Requirements Craft Staff, death ward, deathwatch, detect undead, gentle repose, speak with dead; Cost 8,200 gp

Staff of Stealth

Aura moderate illusion; CL 8th

Slot none; Price 18,400 gp; Weight 5 lbs.


This twisted, dark gray staff allows use of the following spells:


Requirements Craft Staff, disguise self, greater invisibility, invisibility, nondetection; Cost 9,200 gp

Staff of Toxins

Aura moderate varied; CL 9th

Slot none; Price 12,600 gp; Weight 5 lbs.


This length of hemlock-shrouded oak gives off the faintest whiff of rot and corruption. It allows use of the following spells:


Requirements Craft Staff, cloudkill, stinking cloud; Cost 6,300 gp

Staff of Traps

Aura moderate abjuration; CL 8th

Slot none; Price 21,200 gp; Weight 5 lbs.


The tip of this dark wooden shaft holds a piece of hard, chalk-like stone. The staff allows use of the following spells:


Requirements Craft Staff, alarm, explosive runes, fire trap, magic mouth, phantom trap, sepia snake sigil; Cost 10,600 gp.

Staff of Vision

Aura moderate divination; CL 11th

Slot none; Price 41,250 gp; Weight 5 lbs.


A clear crystal lens is affixed to the top of this length of brass and scaled skin. The staff allows use of the following spells:


Requirements Craft Staff, arcane eye, arcane sight, prying eyes, see invisibility, scrying, true seeing; Cost 20,625 gp

Staff of Weather

Aura strong varied; CL 13th

Slot none; Price 44,200 gp; Weight 5 lbs.


The carved surface of this solid oaken beam always depicts a scene with the opposite qualities of the current weather (wet on dry days, dry on wet days, and so on). It allows use of the following spells:


Requirements Craft Staff, control weather, fog cloud, gust of wind, ice storm, sleet storm, wind wall; Cost 22,100 gp